How to Fund a Trust

How to Fund a Trust

How to fund a trust (or better yet: how NOT to fund a trust) is an important topic.   I recently received the following from one of my students regarding the disbursement of assets from her father’s accounts after his death, now eight years ago and counting: I

How to Put Property in a Trust, or Funding a Trust

How to Put Property in a Trust, or Funding a Trust

“How do I put property into a trust?” is a question I often get after someone forms a living revocable trust.  This is an important question.  Putting property into a trust is also known as funding the trust.  Funding a trust is the engine that runs a

Multiple Items in One Trust?

Question:  Can multiple items be placed into one trust or should a Trust be created for each item? Answer:  You can create multiple trusts.  However, usually one trust holds all of a person’s or couple’s items.  The trust owns all of your assets (those that require a signature to dispose of), so that the items […]